We exist to provide care and support to adults with learning disabilities and or mental health disorders and this means they must always be safeguarded by us from any harm and abuse. We have very comprehensive systems in place to self-regulate and guard against bad practice. However we need to make it clear that if anyone observes a person we support being mistreated by anyone or in any situation, this must be reported to us immediately so we can take prompt action to make the victim safe.
There may be times when you have concerns about what is happening to a relative receiving care or to service users in your own workplace, and it can be difficult to know what to do. You may be unsure about what to do and think it is best to keep it to yourself as you’re not really sure how you feel about your concerns. You may not be comfortable to raise it with the manager of the service where your concerns relate to. You may be worried about getting people into trouble, but please be assured that Premium Homecare welcomes and values all and any information that helps us to ensure the safety and welfare of the people we support at all times.
All such alerts and information will be fully investigated and all those who raise concerns can do it here have the option to do it anonymously.
If you have any concerns (no matter how small) please raise them with us without delay by calling 07808869824 or 07590078769 or you can email us on: whistleblowing@premiumhomecareltd.com. We can assure you that we will take immediate action.
Premium Homecare like to thank you for your concern.